The word ‘nourish’ means what is needed for people to grow, stay in good health, and to flourish. It also relates to the idea of supporting dreams, hopes, and ambitions by ‘nourishing’ them along. The Social Emotional Wellness Committee (SEW) is committed to finding ways to nourish our students, families, and staff as we chart an unprecedented course during the next school year.

We want everyone in our CPA community to have access to resources that will help them to build resiliency, tools to help them be successful, and ways to meaningfully connect with each other. We are doing this through our NOURISH program.


NOURISH stands for:

N: Nature and getting outside

O: Observe breath and the power of stillness

U: Unite with others and create community

R: Replenish and what we need to do to restore ourselves physically and emotionally

I: Initiate movement and exercise

S: Self Care and how to we can live our best lives

H: Harness creativity and how we use creativity to solve problems


We plan to NOURISH our students, families, and staff in the next year by offering opportunities to engage with ideas under each of these areas. Our goal is to create a holistic way for our entire community to engage in our social and emotional wellness.

Your students will have a NOURISH Tip during their JAMmin minute and we will put the tips in the SEW Saturday weekly newsletter as well.

Please reach out to us at if you have ideas for how we can NOURISH our amazing CPA community.